#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Author: lh3 use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; use Cwd qw/abs_path/; use Sys::Hostname qw/hostname/; my $version = "0.1.8"; my %opts = (R=>'', j=>'', k=>0, q=>'', c=>'', w=>'', M=>'', n=>'', m=>'', W=>''); getopts('R:j:k:q:c:pw:M:n:m:W:', \%opts); &usage if (-t STDIN && @ARGV == 0); my $is_run = ($opts{k} > 0 && $opts{j})? 1 : 0; if (!$is_run) { # prepare to run my $is_sge = &which('bsub')? 0 : 1; $opts{j} ||= sprintf("asub_$$%.3d", rand(1000)); my ($fh, $K); $K = 0; open($fh, ">$opts{j}.sh") || die; while (<>) { s/&\s*$//; # remove "&" at the end of the command next if (/^\s*$/); print $fh $_; ++$K; } close($fh); $_ = $opts{j}; my $cmd; $opts{c} = $K if ($opts{c} && $opts{c} > $K); $opts{q} = qq/-q $opts{q}/ if ($opts{q}); if (!$is_sge) { # LSF $opts{R} = qq/-R "$opts{R}"/ if ($opts{R}); $opts{c} = qq/\%$opts{c}/ if ($opts{c}); $opts{w} = qq/-w "$opts{w}"/ if ($opts{w}); $opts{n} = qq/-n $opts{n}/ if ($opts{n}); $opts{m} = qq/-m $opts{m}/ if ($opts{m}); $opts{W} = qq/-W $opts{W}/ if ($opts{W}); if ($opts{n}) { if ($opts{R}) { chop($opts{R}); # chop the tailing " $opts{R} .= qq/ span[hosts=1]"/; } else { $opts{R} = qq/-R "span[hosts=1]"/; } } if ($opts{M}) { if ($opts{R}) { chop($opts{R}); # chop the tailing " $opts{R} .= qq/ select[mem>$opts{M}] rusage[mem=$opts{M}]"/; } else { $opts{R} = qq/-R "select[mem>$opts{M}] rusage[mem=$opts{M}]"/; } $opts{R} .= ' -M ' . ($opts{M}*1000); } $cmd = qq(mkdir -p $_.out $_.err && echo '$0 -j $_.sh -k \${LSB_JOBINDEX}' | bsub -J$_) . qq("[1-$K]$opts{c}" -o $_.out/\%I.out -e $_.err/\%I.err $opts{n} $opts{R} $opts{q} $opts{w} $opts{m} $opts{W}); } else { # SGE $opts{R} = qq/-l "$opts{R}"/ if ($opts{R}); $opts{w} = qq/-hold_jid $opts{w}/ if ($opts{w}); my $asub = abs_path($0); $cmd = qq(mkdir -p $_.out $_.err && echo '$asub -j $_.sh -k \${SGE_TASK_ID}' | qsub -N $_ -cwd ) . qq(-t 1-$K -o '$_.out/\$TASK_ID.out' -e '$_.err/\$TASK_ID.err' $opts{R} $opts{q} $opts{w}); } defined($opts{p})? (print "$cmd\n") : system($cmd); } else { # run the command warn("[asub] Hostname: ".hostname.", Arch-OS: ".&get_cpu_sys."\n"); my $fh; my $k = 0; open($fh, $opts{j}) || die; while (<$fh>) { chomp; last if ((++$k) == $opts{k}); } my $cmd = $_; close($fh); warn("[asub] Command: $_\n"); warn("[asub] --- BEGIN OF COMMAND STDERR ---\n"); my $ret = system($_); warn("[asub] --- END OF COMMAND STDERR ---\n"); warn("[asub] Return value: $ret\n"); exit($ret); } sub get_cpu_sys { my $dir = `uname -p 2>/dev/null`; $dir = `uname -m 2>/dev/null` if (!$dir || $dir =~ "unknown"); $dir .= '-'.`uname -s`; $dir = lc($dir); $dir =~ s/\s//g; return $dir; } sub which { my $file = shift; my $path = (@_)? shift : $ENV{PATH}; return if (!defined($path)); foreach my $x (split(":", $path)) { $x =~ s/\/$//; return "$x/$file" if (-x "$x/$file"); } return; } sub usage { die qq( Program: asub (Array Job submission with bsub/qsub) Version: $version Contact: Heng Li <lh3\@sanger.ac.uk>\n Usage: asub [options] <cmd_file>\n Options: -R STR resources string [null] -w STR job dependency [null] -q STR queue name [default queue] -j STR job name [auto] -c INT number of processors (LSF only) [max] -M INT maximum memory in MB (Sanger LSF only) [null] -W INT runtime limit (LSF only) [none] -n INT # CPUs for a parallel job (LSF only) [null] -m STR host group (LSF only) [null] -p print the submission command only Note: For option -R and -w, SGE and LSF have different syntax. Please check SGE/LSF manual page for details. Here are some examples for LSF: -R "select[type==X86_64&&mem>800] rusage[mem=800]" -w "done(my_job_001)" And for SGE: -R h_cpu=86400,h_data=1000000000 -w my_job_001 ); }